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Friday, February 1, 2013

6 Questions Pro-Choicers won't (can't) answer

1.  If you are "pro-choice" then why do you not want the female to view an ultra-sound, hear the heartbeat, or know the "fetus" will likely experience pain during an abortion so she can make an informed choice?

2.  Again if it is all about choice, then why does the father, who was equally involved in the conception, have no choice?

3.  In the case of rape, incest, etc...what was the baby's crime that warrants the death penalty?

4.  In the case of "imminent danger" to the mother's life...doctor's not only recommend abortion as an option but often insist (and sometimes force) abortions...if women are to be expected to abort their unborn babies when their life is at risk, should we not also insist they allow their born children to come to harm and even die when intervening could pose a threat to the mother's life?

5.  If we use the loss of vital signs like brain activity, heart beat, etc to determine death has occurred, why do we not also use these same vital signs to determine life has occurred?

6.  If "pro-choicers" are so concerned about women's health, why do they fight any law that requires abortion clinics to meet the same standards as general doctor's offices, hospitals, etc?

They typically won't answer these questions because they can't.  The pro-death movement is not based on fact or reason and it is driven, among other things, by money and the desire to escape natural consequences for ones reckless actions.  I once had a pro-choicer telling me I was approaching my debate with him "too logically."

My wife tried to share her pro-life views and, more importantly, her faith in Christ with someone who had once been very close to her.  This individual responded with anger and bitterness and spewed hateful word and profanity at my wife for her stance.  I truly believe much of this explosive response comes from a deep rooted guilt....

This individual had chosen to have an abortion because her doctor convinced her without it, she would die.  I am confident inside she knows that it was her job to protect the babies life...not the babies job to protect hers.  Deep inside I am sure she feels guilt and shame.  But her mind has been deluded with the lies and her eyes blinded to her need for forgiveness...and to the reality of just how readily available forgiveness is through Christ.

We need to continue to ask the questions they can't answer...to make people think before they choose a path that is irreversible and has tragic life-long consequences.  In our quest to protect the children, let's not forget we need to protect the mother's too...and to help those who made the wrong choice find peace and forgiveness.

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