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Monday, January 28, 2013

Driving forces behind the abortion epidemic

I have often been asked this question by church members and pro-lifers: “How did abortion get so deeply rooted in our culture?  How did we manage to let it go this far?”  Abortion is not new.  There is evidence that man resorted to this vile act early in his history; however, we've seen this carried to heights that is almost unfathomable.  There are many contributing factors to abortion, but I contend there are three main movements that pushed us to the extremes we see today.

Evolutionary ideas: The very groundwork for the explosion of the abortion industry was laid when Darwin’s ideas of evolution became more widely accepted.  There are several serious implications if we begin to consider evolution as truth.  (1) If evolution is true, the Biblical account of creation is either false or allegorical (2) If the creation story is false, then all of Scripture becomes unreliable and questionable at best and at worst it is all a giant hoax (3) If the creation story is allegorical, then we can start accepting compromises such as gap theories and long-day theories but (4) if we accept these compromises, we still have to accept death came before Adam’s sin and therefore sin did not come into the world by one man and therefore (5) Salvation did not come into the world by one Man.  Now your entire Bible has been shred and the Gospel torn out.  Furthermore, if God did not create man and woman as a special creation in His own image and we are all here by chance or accident, there is no value to life and therefore no reason why we shouldn't be able to end a life as we please.

Free love and the sexual revolution:  Webster’s defines free love as “the doctrine or practice of having sexual relations or living together without legal marriage or continuing obligation.” Marriage was seen as a form of bondage.  Free lovers did not believe there should be laws or absolutes when it came to matters such as marriage, birth control, adultery, etc.  This movement aided in the destruction of the Christian idea of marriage and family.  Marriage between one man and one woman is sacred because it is a depiction of Christ’s union to His bride, the church.  Webster’s defines the sexual revolution as “a drastic relaxation in general standards of sexual behavior.”  Those caught up in the U.S. sexual revolution of the 1960’s lived by the motto “Make love, not war” and “if it feels good, do it.”  There was only one serious problem with this concept….unwanted pregnancy.  This was especially problematic for men of notable positions in society or business and the wealthy men of society – they couldn't have unwanted children, especially from their one-night stands, ruining their reputation or being a burden to their fame and fortune. 

The feminist movement: Evolutionary ideas, the sexual revolution, and the second wave of the feminist movement in the U.S. were the perfect storm for abortionists.  The feminist movement grew from wanting proper treatment of women and equality in human rights to wanting to tear down anything that may distinguish male from female.  A woman had to be able to do anything and everything a man could do.  What is the one thing a man could do in the area of the sexual revolution that a woman couldn't do?  Walk away from an unwanted pregnancy….unless….the woman could “abort” the pregnancy. Abortion became a necessity so that second wave feminists could fully participate in the free love sex revolution and be able to “escape” the consequences just like a man could.  The ideas of free love and feminism are very closed tied together and pour on the de-valuing of human life through the evolutionary idea that we are just an accident, and abortion is not only acceptable but it is desirable. 

How do we combat the vile unrestrained murder of millions (billions?) of babies?  First we affirm the Bible is true, the 6 day creation story of Genesis is literal, that there is a Divine Creator to whom we are accountable, that man and woman are created special and in the image of God, and that all human life is precious and to be protected.  We have to view sex, marriage, and human life the way God views it.

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