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Monday, April 11, 2011

Senate Votes Thursday on De-Funding Planned Parenthood

LifeNews.com has reported the Senate is scheduled to vote on whether or not to de-fund Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortion in America, on Thursday.  Planned Parenthood, on their own website, says that 1 out of 3 women have had an abortion by the time they are 45.  They say this like this makes the murder of innocent children less heinous.

For too many years Christians have listened to the lies that church should be separated from state, that abortion is a woman's issue, and that we shouldn't be involved.  And sadly, the U.S. church is in some ways partly responsible for the loss of billions of precious babies and the destruction of the women who fall prey to abortion because of our overall collective failure to stand in the gap.

But the tide is turning. 

I do not place my hope in politics or politicians, and politics is not something I allow to sway my focus on teaching Scripture, sharing the Gospel, or ministering to others, but Christians have a responsibility to be informed, to vote responsibly, to pray for their nation and their leaders, and to let their voices be heard when God's holy standards are not being upheld by our political leaders.

And more and more passionate and compassionate men and women are joining those that have been fighting for the children and women that are exploited every day by this tragic epidemic. 

I know when faced with the sheer number of children lost to abortion each month, the amount of money powering the pro-choice movement, and the seemingly insurmountably obstacles placed in our way by those pushing the pro-life agenda that it can seem hopeless.

But always remember "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Call or email your senators and let them know we want to de-fund Planned Parenthood and protect life.  And most importantly, remember to pray for your leaders, for the women who are deceived into thinking the killing of their child is their best option, and for the at risk babies.


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